Here we are in St. Catherine's at a hockey tournament for Jason's select team. It is the last of the hockey for him this year. He has played select hockey for the past 5 years and really enjoys the guys on this team. It changes a bit from year to year, but there are many of the same kids returning.
This year he shares the net with a newcomer to the team. His name is Kyle. You will notice there is a slight difference in size, but they are the same age. Kyle hung out with us yesterday until his dad could get off work. He missed the first game, but made it to the second one.

Jay had to get a new hockey bag a couple of weekends ago. His other one was falling apart. This one even fits his pads.

Here they are heading into the rink for their first game.

David usually travels with us, but he is hanging with his dad this weekend and they are staying at a different hotel. We won't see him much, except at the rink. I will do my best to snap a few photos of him when I can.

Here is Jay and Kyle waiting to go out for their game.....see what I mean about the size difference?

Now don't get me wrong, when Jay puts on all his equipment he does look rather large. Without his mask, his head looks like a pea on top of those broad shoulders.

This is the dressing room. I would just love to know what goes on in there. It takes them and entire hour to get ready for a game.........that is a lot of time to get dressed.

Here the team waits for the Zamboni to finish flooding the ice.

This is the warm up.

Oh, I got a good action shot of David here.

After the game we went and checked into our hotel room. Our room overlooks a courtyard and they have mini golf and a huge chess game out there. It is a great place for the guys to hang out and burn off some of their energy.

Here we are at the second huddle before they start.

This is where Jay spends all his time......between the red pipes.

They do the handshake before the game. Again, check out the sized difference with those goalies.

Here are a few action shots of Jason during the game.

And here is my favourite coach, hard at work!

We won the first game and lost the second one. We have 2 games today and we have our fingers crossed for 2 more wins.
Monty, Jason and I enjoyed a very nice dinner at Montana's last night and then we watched The Blind Side in our room. Normally Jay brings his X-Box with him and I have a room full of kids. This was a refreshing change.
We had another bit of exciting news yesterday too. Jason got his first job at the Galaxy. Amanda called us last night and said there was a message on the phone for Jay to call. We called as soon as we got back to the room and he starts on Monday. He spent quite a bit of time on my computer last night, chatting with his friends on MSN, spreading the news.
The sun is shining here and our first game is not until 4:45 today. My guys are still sound asleep as I type this. I am going to get them up and head out for breakfast, then we will see what sort of trouble we can get in for the rest of the day. Have a good one!