Friday, March 27, 2009

Bo-Bunny U Bug Me Collection

Last night I finished up a display layout that I had been working on for our upcoming retreat. I was working with the U Bug Me collection from Bo-Bunny. I love the colours in this line. It is great for boys. I used a paper distressing technique along with paper tearing, chipboard letters and brads. It is one of my favourite layouts.

Here are some detail shots.....that is all for now!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I had another busy day, but I did manage to finish up a layout that I have been working on for a few days. It is going to be a kit for our upcoming retreat. I have included a few detail shots. Can't give it all away, but hopefully it will intrigue you.....just a little.

Wow, this is 2 posts in one day. Things are looking up!

A Very Busy Bee........

This morning while eating breakfast, I was just surfing around on the computer. I came across a blog (no one I know) and on the side bar was a list of places this person often visited. I didn't recognize anyone's name, but I did notice my name. I thought.....hmmm not too many people have the same name as me.....I wonder who this is. So I clicked on the link and up came my blog. I was shocked.

I realized that this poor person has probably been going to my blog and there is nothing to read. I feel like this poor woman in the image I uploaded. I am trying to juggle so many different things. By the end of the day there is just nothing left in me to post to my blog. Besides, what would I post busy I have been, how many boxes I unpacked, how much I hate accounting, what we had for dinner, how many loads of laundry I did, how many episodes of Lost I watched......seems pretty boring.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life. I feel so blessed to have everything that I do. Sometimes I read other peoples blogs and wonder how they find the time to do everything they their life seems so balanced. It must be an act. It just doesn't see possible.

It is 8:50 am. I am still in my jammies. In the next hour I have to shower, make my lunch, clean up the mess in the kitchen from breakfast and me making dinner for tonight, feed the cat, load all my junk into the car and be at the store by 10am! I guess I better get my but in gear.

Who knows when my next post will be. I am sorry to the people who keep checking my blog and there is nothing to read. Don't give up on me.....I will get it together sooner or later.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring is Almost Here!

What a great weekend. We spent a lot of time outside yesterday, and even did some gardening! It felt so good.

This morning while I was posting to the store blog, I heard a robin singing outside our window. I couldn't be!

Sure enough, I went to the window and I saw her!

Spring is right around the corner! Yipee!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

Joanne tagged me in the 4th folder/4th photo game. I had to cheat a little. I don't store many photos on my laptop, so I just chose the 4th photo in the file with my photos.

This is when Jason and I went to California in January. We are just arriving at our hotel. What a great trip. We had so much seems like so long ago.

I am going to tag.......Wendy, Michelle, and Jill.

Leave a link in the comment section so we can all see your photo! Have fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thoughts for Today!

I 'blog lifted' this image from a blog I stumbled across. I don't even remember where.

I really liked it and I wanted to share it with all of you. If you click on the image it will be large enough for you to read.

Words to live by.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Hate Grocery Shopping!!!

Grocery shopping is one job that I just hate. I know that we have to eat, and my families health is important to me. I just don't want to make time for this kind of shopping in my weekly plans.

I dread going to the store. I wander around and wonder what to buy. Going up and down each isle, I fill my cart, only to empty it all back out again at the front of the store. The packers stuff everything back into the cart for me to wheel it out to my car. Then, I empty it out of the cart into my trunk and head for home.

Upon arrival, there is usually no one around to help be lug all the bags into the house (go figure, eh?) The unpacking process starts all over again. It really just exhausts me.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that I have just spent hundreds of dollars on food and that same day.....someone opens the fridge and says 'we have nothing to eat'!

I can hardly wait to do it again next week!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My New Addiction!

I know it has been a while since I posted to my blog. Part of that is because the store has been so busy. By the time I put in my day there, come home and look after my family stuff and then post to the store blog, it doesn't leave me much time.

The other reason for my absence is my new addiction to the show Lost! Every night at around 9:30 or 10pm my hubby and I plunk ourselves in front of the television to watch a few episodes of this amazing series.

We started back at the beginning and we are now in season 2. Watching it night after night, back to back episodes, is so different than watching it week by week. It is like a movie that doesn't end.

I find myself thinking of it often during the day. The only other thing that has ever done that to me is scrapbooking. It is a tangled web of personalities and plots. Every episode leaves you hanging and wanting more. There have been nights where we have stayed up way too late, just to see what will happen next. I am not a reader, but I think this is what it must be like with a really good just cant put it down.