Monday, December 14, 2009

Cookie Exchange

This year I wanted to host a cookie exchange. On Sunday I invited a few friends for an afternoon of scrapbooking and incorporated the cookie exchange too. We all met at the store, each of us bringing a little snack for a potluck lunch. We spent the afternoon laughing, scrapbooking, and nibbling. We finished the day off exchanging cookies! I ended up with 7 dozen amazing cookies.

This is a photo that shows all the different types of cookies.

I made the cookies with the jam filled centers. The cookies on this plate do not have the drizzled icing that I put on my friends cookies.

I gave a sample of some of the cookies to my family for dessert. Matthew especially loved the coconut balls you see in the center of the plate.

I kept some of them out on a plate for school lunches, but I froze the rest. They are all so delicious. Thank you to all my friends for spending the afternoon with me and sharing your sweet treats!



  1. It was a deliciously sweet time! Thanks for organizing it - I can't wait to give them all a try!
